q and a with addie


Hello friends! Today I’ve got a guest post from Addie! We have decided to do a Q&A, so I will her answer questions.

Hey guys! My name is Addie and I run Shining Star, and I’m also a collaborator at Life in Pajamas. Thanks so much to Madeleine for having me on here today! (: For the guest post, I’m going to be asking Madeleine 12 questions for her to answer, so let’s get into it! 

How has blogging affected your life? (If it has at all)

I don’t think blogging has affected my life that much, but I think I take more photos when I do art now 😂

How did you come to know about blogging?

My friend started a blog, and thought that it was cool, so I started one too!

Why did you choose to use WordPress? 

I used to blog on Google Sites, but then when my friend (the same friend) moved to WordPress, I did too.

When did you start your blog?

I started it on May 24, 2019! Whimsical Watercolor is currently slightly over a year and a half!

What is your ideal vacation? 

It sounds fun to go on a vacation by myself, though I’m not quite old enough to do that yet. I think I would like to go to Europe and eat fancy cheese or something like that. I also definitely would want to go rock climbing during my vacation too, so somewhere mountain-y.

If you could, what fictional character would you choose to be, and why?

Oh, this is hard. Lemony Snicket (from All The Wrong Questions) is on my list, but I think his life is a bit sad: his parents are gone (I don’t know where they went), he lives in a dying city that has a lot of crime, and it’s very hard for him to keep in touch with his siblings because the phone lines are tapped.

Maybe Allegra Shapiro, a thirteen-year-old musician in a book called The Mozart Season. Her life feels normal, which I know is kind of boring, but I don’t want a crazy life and live on the verge of death haha.

What is your favorite setting/theme in a book?

I love the setting of Where Did You See Her Last? by Lemony Snicket. It’s from a book series called All The Wrong Questions (like I said above haha), and he lives in Stain’d by the Sea. The city is sad, but also comical. There is a supermarket in Stain’d by the Sea called Partial Foods, which is a half empty supermarket. But it’s called Partial Foods not because of the state of the food, but because the owner’s name is Partial 😂 Also, their sports team is called Stain’d by the Sea Sea Stains. I totally recommend reading the All The Wrong Questions series. I haven’t read them all, but I hope to soon.

When did you start your Society6 store?

I started it on July 5, 2020. That reminds me, I need to publish some artwork on there. I haven’t done that in a long time.

What are some of your favorite hobbies?

I like paint and sew, as you probably know, but I also like to dance and rock climb. I only do ballet, but I do like contemporary too.

If you could live anywhere in the world you wanted to, where would you live?

I like where I live 😆

What is your dream job?

A graphic designer! I love doing it, as you probably already know (check out some fun projects I’ve done here and here). Graphic design is slightly art related (which is why I like it), but I don’t want to become a professional artist.

If you could remove one thing from the whole world for a year, what would you choose?

Probably coronavirus 😆

And that’s all for today’s guest post! XD Again, thanks so much to Madeleine for having me! Have an amazing day! (:

Thanks for that awesome Q&A Addie! I had a lot of fun answering the questions! I hope you have a fantastic week. Bye!