art inspired by random generators


Hello! Today I am going to make art using inspiration from two different random generators. I thought of this idea the other day and I thought it would be really fun, so today I am going to do it. I considered doing many different random generators, and I even did this previously and it sorta failed because I chose to work with too many prompts.

This time, I am going to use just a random word generator and a random color generator. I am going to generate three words with the random word generator and four colors with the color generator. The words that I generate aren’t necessarily going to actually be in the artwork (it would be impossible to do that if it wasn’t a noun), they are mostly prompts. The colors generated are all going to be in the artwork and they are going to be the only colors in it.

the prompts and colors








Overall, I like the colors. I get a magenta, a cyan, and a green, and then some interesting red brown cherry terra cotta color. The prompts are a bit hard to work with, but a few ideas are coming to mind that I really like.

let’s get drawing!

So, I started my piece with a sketch, as always. I ended up drawing a greeting card that has a farewell note in it. In the story of this artwork, a friend is moving away from another friend, and they have to make their final goodbyes. Also, I am going to add a tile floor, but that hasn’t been added to the sketch.

After, I painted in the card with a gray color. How did you get gray, you ask? I layered the brown red color and the green color and blended them together to get a gray color. After, I used my color picker to save that color.

On the table, I layered the magenta and cyan and I got a nice purple-y color. Personally I wouldn’t want a purple table, but I made one anyway. I used a blender to blend them together and erased around the card and the edge of the table. All these brushes are transparent, so I need to erase where I don’t want color, I can’t just layer them.

After, I made the floor gray and tried to make a tiled floor but it didn’t turn out that great. So my floor is reminiscent of a tile floor 😂 For it, I used a rectangular brush and applied a couple layers and some dark spots.

Finally, I added a shadow. I’m not very good at shadows so I think this one isn’t that good, but it’s decent compared to other shadow attempts. I also added texture to the table since it was looking pretty plain.

And the piece is done! Overall the piece is okay, but I really like the story of the drawing. Using prompts to inspire your artwork is a fun way to draw something super different than normal, which is great since it puts you out of your comfort zone and you might even find your new favorite thing to draw!

I hope you liked this post and the artwork! Do you like to use prompts for your artwork? What was your favorite color out of the four? I hope you have a fantastic week! Bye!