origami drawings


Hello! At the time of creating the drawings in this post I was sick, and the idea of drawing some simple origami popped into my head. I also hadn’t been active much on Society6 shop, so I created a very high quality file (so it could print nicely on the products) and started drawing. I really like the simplicity of the drawings. I didn’t add any shadows, but I instead added super crisp lines that define the shapes of the paper. Check out the collection here.

The first one that I made is a cicada! I watched a video once where a guy shows different levels of complexity for an origami cicada, so I decided that I would draw one. Lately, I’ve been quite obsessed with super bright, almost neon, blue purples, specifically RGB 98, 0, 255. (I’m also very obsessed with color codes.) I didn’t use that exact color for it; I used a similar one that is a little bit more blue and desaturated.

It looks very beautiful with the color of the wood 🙃

Next, I drew an iconic crane. Since cranes are a bit more complicated than cicadas, I spent some more time carefully choosing where I would place the lines. I didn’t want to overdo it or else the lines would be counter productive, so the ways that I put it ended up being pretty weird, but it looks nice. The obvious places would be to put them in the creases, but instead (at least for the head, which took the most trial and error) I put them on the edges around the creases. I also love avocado green, so I used that for the crane. I think the two colors look quite pretty together.

I hope you enjoyed my two new products! You can purchase them here. Do you like origami? What is your favorite origami shape? Do you like avocado green or blue-purple? I hope you have an awesome week. Bye!