making a digital paper doll

Art, Digital Paper Doll

Hello! I know my posting schedule has been all over the place. I said two posts ago that I was going to take a break, and then the post after that I said I would be posting less often. I finally have it down: twice a week on Saturdays and Wednesdays.

Today I am going to share with you my digital paper doll (those words are very paradoxical😂). I am really excited to do this post because I’ve been having a lot of fun with this digital paper doll.

I am using Autodesk Sketchbook (as always) for my paper doll. You don’t have to use Autodesk Sketchbook, but make sure that you have unlimited layers and a mover (transform) tool. Making a digital paper doll has its pros since it’s easy to make many different pieces that are always editable, and you don’t use printer ink.

The doll

Sadly, I didn’t draw my own doll, ’cause it would be too hard. I googled an image of a girl I could use. Below is the image. I cropped Ken out of it and erased all around her so that that the cream color is gone. I also colored over the green striped outfit and made my own underclothes.

Paper doll

I cropped Ken out of it and erased all around her so that around her is transparent. I also colored over the green striped outfit and made my own underclothes. I changed her body shape a bit too. It took awhile, but the end result was really nice and it took less time than drawing it from scratch.

Photo credit from Pinterest.


Now, we can finally start designing clothes! Here’s my doll:

There is no wrong way to design a piece of clothing, but the way I do it is to think of what I want to draw (obviously), and then google a picture of it and choose one to inspire my piece of clothing on. Once I’ve got the shape down, I color it in and then add details and shading.

All my clothes (so far)

Below’s my “closet” so far. I have a couple shirts and bottoms, quite a bit of dresses, and too many swimsuits. Swimsuits are so fun because you can mix and match to make so many different sets. I’ll be making an in depth post on all my clothes soon. I guess we are starting a series.

My favorite piece is… that Hello My Name Is nametag. It’s just sooo cute. She’s a Barbie paper doll, so I wrote Barbie on it. The name is on a second layer, so I can change her name if I’d like to.

I hope you enjoyed this post! I think on Saturday I will continue to post about my paper doll. I’ve been adding lots of clothes, and it’s super fun. I’m currently working on a printable version for you guys! By Saturday I think it will done. If you have any pieces of clothing you’d like me to make, please leave a comment! I’d love to draw them. Bye!

PS: I’m learning HTML code! Check out my simple site here: